Multi Language Website Services

Multi Language Website Services

Supported Product

WordPress | WooCommerce

What is included in Multi-language Website Services:

  • Adding multilanguage functionality (Installation and configuration of the functionality to manage different language versions of your site.)
  • Configuration of a language switcher (We will integrate a language switcher into the header of your site.)
  • Adding new languages - 1 (The service includes installation of additional language packs to implement support for languages you request.)

How it Works:

Collecting Information (starting from 15 minutes, depending on if access details are ready)
Our customization team will get in touch with you via email after the purchase. You will be asked to provide access details to your site’s admin panel and your hosting account and mention the languages you want to have on your site.

Fulfilling the Service (up to 5 business days)
Once we have received all the access credentials, we will perform all the mentioned changes and add multilanguage functionality to your site. You’ll be able to track the status of your project with your assigned project manager.

Reviewing & Finishing Up (from 15 minutes, depends on the number of revisions if any)
We will let you know after making all the changes. You will have to review and approve the results. In case there are any further modifications required, you have one free revision.

To Provide This Service We Need:

  • Access to your site’s admin panel and hosting account
  • (for WordPress) access to account or files of the plugin

Why you need the Multilanguage Package

Unfortunately, not all website platforms contain built-in functionality to manage different languages. Yes, we are mentioning WordPress and Shopify. Or, maybe the functionality is available, but its configuration is complicated and cumbersome. I will work in case your target audience speaks only one language. Just install a template, add your content, and there you go.

However, you may own a business that works in different countries or an eCommerce store that sells products to clients who speak different languages. Therefore, a multilingual site is a must. You will not only provide a better user experience, but you will also assist your partners and clients to find information and products much faster. By having a multilingual site you express that you care about the people you work with, their time, and their comfort.

Another advantage is that you can command different language versions separately. For example, when you introduce services, particularly to one region, you can manifest those services on just one language version of your site. Or when some products cannot be shipped in a few particular countries, you will be able to cache them. Offering multiple languages allows you a lot of freedom in how you perform with your audience. And you will be able to understand and respond to the needs of various clients better.

Multi Language Website Services contains creating and configuring a functionality to allow different language versions of your site. For WordPress, our team will use the WPML plugin. That is an industry-leading solution that performs smoothly with a lot of other extensions. For Shopify, we have opted for Weglot because of its plentiful set of features.

After the installation of a needed plugin, we will also add new languages to your site. Also, we will create and show a language switcher to let your site visitors select their preferred language. With WPML, you can even activate an option to choose a required version of your site based on a visitor's browser language.

Once we have made all the listed customizations, you will only need to add your content (product names and descriptions, texts, etc.) in other languages by login into the admin panel.

Please note:

  • Adding content in other languages is not included in this service. However, we will configure the needed language(s) and give you a menu in the admin panel to add content in those languages.
  • In case you want to have both right-to-left and left-to-right languages, additional RTL conversion may be required.
  • For WordPress, the WPML plugin is not included. You should purchase it separately at A multilingual CMS or Multilingual Agency version is recommended.


Can I use some other plugin/extension to add multilanguage functionality?
We prefer WPML for WordPress and Weglot for Shopify because of their commerciality, set of features, and compatibility with other plugins and modules. However, we can provide you with a quote for the integration and configuration of some other solutions. Feel free to get in touch with our support team for further queries.

Why and when additional RTL conversion may be required?
With RTL conversion, you will acquire full support for right-to-left languages like Arabic or Hebrew. Every design feature and page composition will be mirrored. You can also use a template without an RTL layout, but in this case, only the direction of the texts will change; the whole design will be the same as in the default LTR version.



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Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $99.00.

29 Sales
  • Configuration of Multilanguage functionality
    Language switcher integration
    Installation of new language packs
    ETA: 4 days